Wednesday 28 October 2009 Bergamo - ITIS Giulio Natta - Via Europa 15
An invitation to teachers of English to participate in an informative all-day conference with authors and experts in language teaching and assessment.
Cambridge Days are open to all types of teachers of English as a second or other language. There will also be an exhibition giving you the opportunity to examine our latest ELT publications and exam materials. There is no charge for attendance, but places are strictly limited and will be offered on a first-come first-served basis.
Cambridge Days
Wednesday 28 October 2009
Bergamo - ITIS Giulio Natta - Via Europa 15
An invitation to teachers of English to participate in an informative all-day conference with authors and experts in language teaching and assessment.
Cambridge Days are open to all types of teachers of English as a second or other language. There will also be an exhibition giving you the opportunity to examine our latest ELT publications and exam materials. There is no charge for attendance, but places are strictly limited and will be offered on a first-come first-served basis.
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A causa del raggiungimento della capienza massima della sala le iscrizioni sono chiuse.